Anxiety Therapy in Sandy Springs, GA
what it means to be at peace…
You can slow down those racing thoughts
Create a life you can be present and mindful in.
You feel like there’s always something missing or that you’re forgetting something. Your value is based on how much you can achieve.
You’re someone who would be described as a “go-getter.” You’re constantly chasing the next level up or looking for productive activities. Ultimately, this leads to a crash and burn and you’re hit with paralysis as life continues to pass you by.
Racing thoughts and expecting the worse is your norm. It doesn’t have to be.
What does anxiety therapy look like?
Slowing down your mind and fully feeling all of life’s offerings.
It seems those pesky alarm bells never seem to stop. You are flooded out with, “What am I forgetting that someone is relying on me for?”, “Did I do that right?”, “Am I being a good partner or parent? There’s so much more I could do.”, or “What am I not seeing that will hurt me?” From an evolutionary standpoint, we can say that anxiety was created to keep us safe. However, what is your anxiety supposed to do when you have more to worry about than just hunting and foraging? Small amounts of anxiety are normal, but what happens when yours doesn’t seem to have an off button or the volume doesn’t match the stressor?
Therapy for anxiety calls on you to stop and figure out the root of those alarm bells in your brain. Establishing emotional safety allows the brain to slow down the thoughts and turn down the volume. Therapy with me does not look like rapid-firing bandaid solutions and hoping one of them fits. It’s building a strong internal understanding of your internal dialogue and creating new ways of interacting with that dialogue.
Learn to find peace within yourself
We will help you…
Understand where anxiety comes from and how it spills into other parts of life.
Anxiety can prevent you from communicating the way you want to advocate for yourself, it can keep you up at night, tell you to stay home when you actually want to see friends, and so much more that can have a taxing effect on your body and mind.
Explore your body’s sensations and thoughts when anxiety levels are high.
Anxiety pulls you out of your body. Instead of checking in with self and how our emotions, you are completely caged in our own minds pondering how things will go wrong or how you're messing up.
Learn skills to help manage anxiety and negative self talk.
My goal isn’t to overload you with short-term options that may or may not help. However, I want to build up your tool belt with effective skills that work specifically for you and adjust our long term self-talk.
Transform your value of yourself by addressing your negative self talk
Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers.
Symptoms of anxiety are marked by:
Having frequent feelings of nervousness or restlessness.
Your body may be inexplicably tense
Feelings of impending doom
Agitation or irritability
Trouble concentrating
I would think through the symptoms listed above, would people around describe you as the “nervous type” or always on edge? Random crying spells and lack of sleep can also indicate some levels of troublesome anxiety.
I find that a healthy mixture of skills to use in the moment to maintain emotional control and a deeper understanding of self create wonderful results for decreasing anxiety in daily lives.
You’ll want to click this link to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. You’ll get the best results when working with a therapist you feel comfortable with. This phone call is to ensure you’re comfortable and that I am able to serve the issues you’re wanting to work on.